
  • 岐阜県・美濃窯
  • 桃山時代
  • 16世紀
  • 美濃陶製
  • H-5.8 D-14 W-14

桃山時代 16世紀
高:5.8cm 口径:14.0-14.2cm

見込みを円形にして,広い鍔をつけ,さらに鍔の四方を内に巻き込んで撫四方形としている。すなわち,器の用を成すところは意外に小さく,むしろ装飾性を重視した作品でこのような大胆な意匠性は桃山時代ならではのものである。底の三方に足がつけられ,足の間には大振りの置跡が残っている。 (赤沼)



青織部沓向付 織部瓢絵四方鉢 志野芒文鉢 黄瀬戸鉦鉢 黄瀬戸輪花向付 織部切落向付 志野四方向付 黄瀬戸輪花向付 織部茶入 織部火入 志野傘車輪文平向付



志野織部徳利 志野芒文鉢 志野四方向付 志野傘車輪文平向付



Catalogue Entry

Set of 5 dishes
Momoyama period, 16th century
Nezumi-Shino ware
Height, 5.8cm; mouth diameter, 14.0-14.2cm

These are well-known and representative examples of Nezumi-Shino ware mukozuke dishes and are said originally to have been part of a set of 10 dishes. The Nezumi-Shino, or "Mouse Shino," ware name comes from the fact that these wares, which have been coated in an iron-rich slip called oni'ita and then scraped with patterns, frequently fire to a bluish gray "mouse" color. However, the present mukozuke dishes have fired to a deep reddish-brown color. Further, these dishes have some of the most vividly depicted motifs seen in this type of mukozuke dish and their white forms contrast splendidly with the surrounding color.

The interiors of these dishes have circular bottoms and wide flanges which were turned in to form a smoothed square with a slightly inward-turning lip. As the interior spaces that would have held food are quite small, it is apparent that these dishes held a largely decorative function. This kind of expansive creativity is clearly representative of Momoyama tastes. 3 feet are fitted to the bottom of each dish, and large sagger marks remain between the feet. TA