
  • 安土桃山時代
  • 16世紀
  • 黒漆塗に濃梨地、薄肉高蒔絵
  • H-8.6 D-9
  • 所蔵
    MIHO MUSEUM(松永耳庵旧蔵)

桃山時代 16世紀
高:8.6cm 口径:8.6cm

木札が付属し,墨書で「松永耳庵旧蔵 嵯峨蒔絵茶器」。耳庵松永安左衛門(1875~1971)は近代の大茶人。 (灰野)




塩屋千鳥蒔絵硯箱 浄土図蒔絵小箱 梅月文螺鈿蒔絵文台 雲錦蒔絵提重 伝 春正作 袋物蒔絵大鼓胴 藤蒔絵長持 秋草蒔絵沈箱 菊鶴亀蒔絵硯箱 蒔絵手拭掛 蒔絵角盥 亀甲文蒔絵香合(鏡箱) 桐蒔絵硯箱 籬菊蒔絵香合(鏡箱) 枝垂桜蒔絵徳利 菊桐紋蒔絵盥 葡萄蒔絵水筒 籬秋草桔梗紋散蒔絵厨子棚 雷雲蒔絵螺鈿鼓胴

Catalogue Entry

Momoyama period, 16th century
Height, 8.6cm; mouth diameter, 8.6cm

The so-called wide-torso natsume tea container. Coated overall with black lacquer. Both the lid and body are decorated with a continuous split ground design. On one side of the split, a weeping cherry tree is drawn in Kodaiji makie technique, while the other side of the divide is covered with a thick nashiji ground and decora-ted with a scattered pattern of paulownia crests and circular tomoe crests of thinly applied takamakie. A dignified tea container which ably represents Momoyama characteristics. The interior is coated with black lacquer.

A wooden tablet accompanies the container and states in black ink that this is a "Saga makie" tea container formerly in the collection of Ma-tsunaga Jian. Matsunaga Yasuzaemon (1875-1971) was a noted member of the modern world of the tea ceremony. AH