
  • 平安時代
  • 11c
  • 彩箋墨書
  • H-21 W-12.6
  • 所蔵

平安時代後期 11世紀
縦:21.0cm 横:12.6cm



歌題を少し高く書き,歌は真名と仮名の二つの書体を並記する。かつては伝承筆者として,紀貫之,源順,宗尊親王などの名があがっていたが,現在は「高野切(第二種)」「関戸本和漢朗詠集切」と筆跡を同じくすることから,源兼行(生没年不詳)をもってその筆者にあてる説が有力となっている。 (下坂)



文保百首断簡(伝亀山天皇筆) 元暦校本万葉集 天治本万葉集巻第十断簡(仁和寺切) 続古今和歌集断簡(六帖切)(伝藤原行成筆) 麗花集断簡(香紙切)(藤原公任筆) 詠草(藤原定家筆) 五月雨 春日懐紙(中臣祐方筆) 新古今和歌集断簡(伏見天皇筆)

源 兼行(みなもとのかねゆき)



 吾聞尓 繋莫言 苅薦之 乱而念 君之
 わかきゝに かけてないひそ かりこもの
 みたれておもふ きみかたたかそ
春日野尓 朝居雲之 敷布二 吾者恋
益 月二日二異二
かすかのに あさゐるくもの しくへに
 あはこひまさる つきにひにけに

Catalogue Entry

Fragment of Scroll 4 (known as Toga-no-o-gire)
Late Heian period, 11th century
Hanging scroll, ink on decorated paper
Height, 21.0cm; width, 12.6cm

The name for this version of the Man'yoshu derives from the fact that this version was traditionally held by the Prince of Katsuranomiya. Originally this version was mounted as a kansubon scroll. The remainder of this 4th scroll is now in the collections of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and reveals that a variety of papers were used for the scroll, including white, yellow, brown, and red, and that the underdrawings include images of trees, flowers and plants, and butterflies. The kao (written seal) of Emperor Fushimi appears on the seam on the back of the paper, and this indicates that it was a beloved possession of that emperor.

This scroll was also later in the collection of Matsuko (Hoshun'in), the wife of Maeda Toshiie of Kaga, and when her grandchild Tomiko became the bride of the Imperial Prince Toshihito, this work was transferred to the Katsu-ranomiya family. This version numbers among the Five Great Versions of the Man'yoshu, along with the Genryaku Kohon, Aigami, Kanazawa, and Tenji versions. The origins of the Toga-no-o-gire name are not known.

The titles of the poems are written slightly above the rest of the text, and the poems are written out in both full Chinese characters and in kana forms. The elegant flowing script has been traditionally ascribed to such famous calligraphers as Ki-no-Tsurayuki, Minamoto-no-Shitago, and the Imperial Prince Munetaka. Among extant texts, the same hand has been found in the Koyagire (second type), Sekido version of the Wakanroeishugire, and this resemblance supports the argument that the present fragment was written by Minamoto-no-Kaneyuki (dates unknown). MS


 吾聞尓 繋莫言 苅薦之 乱而念 君之
 わかきゝに かけてないひそ かりこもの
 みたれておもふ きみかたたかそ
春日野尓 朝居雲之 敷布二 吾者恋
益 月二日二異二
かすかのに あさゐるくもの しくへに
 あはこひまさる つきにひにけに