
  • エジプト
  • 紀元前15-紀元前14世紀
  • ガラス
  • H-2.6 W-2.1

 青色ガラス製の指輪。楕円形の面と環の部分が一体で鋳造されたと思われる。エジプトでは中王国時代になって指輪が流行し、スカラベに針金を付けて印章 付き指輪として使われることがあったが、新王国時代以後、印面と環が一体になった指輪が貴金属で作られるようになった。下賜品と思われる、王の名前を印面に刻んだ純金製の指輪が知られている。同じ形をガラスで作った本作品も、印面には何も刻まれていないものの、同じように貴重品だったに違いない。エジプトでガラス製作が開始された第18王朝には、すでに極めて完成度の高い作品が作られたが、この典雅な指輪もその水準を示す好例である。

Catalogue Entry

Ring made of blue glass. The oval face and shank are thought to have been cast as one unit. Rings were a popular fashion during the Middle Kingdom in Egypt, and while there were some inscribed rings with scarabs set onto wires, with the beginning of the New Kingdom, rings were made out of metals in which the design surface and the shank were formed as a single unit. Gold rings carved with the king's name on the design surface are known to have been given by the king to his subjects. This glass ring, made in the same design as these royal gift rings with nothing carved on the design surface, was undoubtedly the same kind of valued object. Glass production began in Egypt in the 18th Dynasty and this graceful ring is a good example of the high levels of achievements reached in this period.