Summer Special Exhibition:

Note: This exhibit has closed.
Please note that this information pertains to an exhibition that has closed.
- Exhibition Term
- July 10, 2010 - August 15, 2010
- Venue
- South Wing
- Organizers
- Miho Museum
Kyoto Shimbun, Inc.
South Wing
1.Ornamentation in West and Central Asia:Decorating the Gods
Three Straps
Cup on Small Foot with Horned Animals and Trees
Cylindrical cup with animals
Vessel with a bull attacked by a lion
Cylindrical cup with animals
Cylindrical cup with animals
Cylindrical cup with geometrical design
Cylindrical cup with ribs
Cup with ibex and appliques
Bull Head
Vase with Divine Figures
2.Ornamentation in West and Central Asia:Decorating the Human Figure / 3.Ornamentation in China and Korea
Belt Hook
Hair Accessories
Four-lobed Bowl with Foliated Rim on Foot
Oblong Eigh-lobed Cup
Tripod Vessel and Lid
Torque (Pectoral) with a Pendant Depicting a Battle
Vase Decorated with Attacking Lions
Plate with a Raptor Attacking a Gazelle
Vase with Medallions Enclosing Birds
Vase with Dancing Female Figures
Plate with King Hunting Lions
Vase with Medallions Enclosing Birds
Ewer with a Plant Design
Plate with a King Hunting Animals
Box with Peony Scrollwork in Mother-of-pearl Inlaid Decoration
Plate with the Bust of a King
Pair of Bracelets with Winged-caprid Terminals
Five-lobed Bowl with Foliated Rim on Foot
Mirror with Repousse Designs
Jewelries:earings, necklace beads, signetring, button, appliques, pendants
Jar, White Porcelain with Underglaze Iron-painted Dragon Design
Large Plate with a Prince Holding a Mare
Round Lid
Court Lady
Belt Buckle
Plate with flower design
Belt Buckle ( Daigou)
Pair of Belt Plaques
Cast glass beads and pendants
Three-legged Standing Crow
Cut-glass Bowl
Relief of a kneeling DEITY
Torque with Lions
Pair of Bracelets with Lions' Heads
Signet Rings
Gem Seals
Pendant in Form of Winged Spirit
Handled Cup with 'Granting of Divine Right of Kings' Motif
Outer Coat with Confronting Deer in Roundel
4.Ornamentation in Japan
Shrine festival
Carrying Lunch Box with Cherry Blossoms and Maple Leaves Design
Lacquer Box with Flying Plovers Design, by Ogawa Haritsu
Box for Stationery with Plum Tree Mother-of-pearl Inlaid Design
Bowls with Makie and Mother-of-pearl Inlaid Decoration by Nagata Yuji
Fan-shaped Mukozuke Dishes with Various Designs
Set of Mukozuke Dishes with Tatsutagawa Design
Carrying Lunch Box with Cherry Blossoms and Maple Leaves Design
Deep Bowl with Circular Pierced Design
Set of Mukozuke Dishes
Door-Pulls with Shogun’s Crest and Fan Design
Door-Pulls with Shogun’s Crest and Fan Design
Nimbus for a Buddhist Sculpture
Inkstone Box with Pure Land Makie Decoration
Incense Box with Autumn Plants Makie Decoration
Mirror Case with Tortoise Shell Makie and Mother-of-Pearl Decoration
Incense burner with handle
Incense Container with Chrysanthemum Makie Decoration
Mirror Case with Fenced Chrysanthemum Makie Decoration
Lotus Sutra (Saddharma-pundarika Sutra), Volume 8
Fragment of the Second Volume of TSURAYUKISHU, known as ISHIYAMAGIRE by Fujiwara no Sadanobu
Box with Chrysanthemum Design
Amitabha Triad by Seed Syllables, Embroidery
Mirror with Birds and Butterflies Design
5.The Tree of Life / 6.The Etymology of "Kazari"
Monk’s Carrying Box with Camellia Design
Elliptical Bowl with a Vine Scroll
Bowl with Seated Figures Flanking aTree
Bowl with an Outdoor Group Scene
Vessel with ibex and palmettes
Medallion and Animal Carpet
Medallion and Animal carpet with Banquet scene
Plate with Banquet Scene under a Tree
Seated Buddha
Wall Hanging with a Tree of Life,Birds,and Animals