A Message from the Miho Museum Founder, Mihoko Koyama.

‘Let’s make the world a beautiful, peaceful and enjoyable place through art’.
The founder, Mihoko Koyama, established the museum with this intention solely in mind.
During her lifetime and beyond, Mihoko Koyama’s words of encouragement and kindness have been a source of inspiration to people of different backgrounds.
Her words are engraved in people’s hearts and shine like a precious gem.
This picture book is a collection of 178 carefully-selected messages, complemented with warm-hearted illustrations by Yoh Shomei.
We hope visitors find daily inspiration from this picture book.
Originally created for the Miho Museum by illustrator Yoh Shomei

This legend was born from the wish to realize the peaceful and beautiful realm of our dreams in this world.
Illustrator Yoh Shomei visited the Miho Museum and was entranced by its surroundings.
His picture book resonated with I.M. Pei’s inspirational design.
‘The White Bird on My Bench’ was Yoh Shomei debut picture book
Won the Graphic Award at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair with ‘The Wind and The Panther’ in 1990.
In recent years, picture book with themes such as ‘Not Mines, But Flowers’ (won The Japan Picture Book Award) continues to explore the subtleness of human relationships and global issues.
About Yoh Shomei