- 北西イランか
- 紀元前1千年紀初期
- 金
- H-14.5 D-6
この獣の角,鼻先の尖った顔面,瞼の上の皺,水平に杉綾を施した体躯,そして植物に見られる特徴は,北イラン南カスピ海地域,特にギラーン州マルリク・テペの貴族墓から出土した,前2千年紀後半から前1千年紀初頭のものと考えられる遺物の意匠に極めて近似したものをもっている。*1 同地域は当時南北メソポタミアと北西イランをつなぐ交易が存在したと言われ,工芸意匠には多様な様式が見られ多様な交易と工房の存在が窺われる。器胎下部の尖端をもった花文は前2千年紀の黒海東部地域由来の器に見られる特徴であり,*2 類似の花文は前1千年紀初頭の北西イランから北メソポタミアの金属器や陶器などにも見られる。
この器の形状は前2千年紀にメソポタミア,東地中海岸地域,北西イランで多く作られた乳頭杯形をした陶器,ガラス器に小さな脚を付けた形態を示している。*3 実際にバビロニア由来と考えられる同形のガラス器と台脚がマルリク・テペから発掘されている。*4
1 E. O. Negahban/Metal Vessels from Marlik/Munchen 1983
2 T. T. Rice/Ancient Arts of Central Asia/New York 1965; V. E. Oganesian/Silver Goblet from Karashamb/in Soviet Anthropoligy & Archaeology Spring 1992
3 稲垣肇/古代美術とその展開〈一〉/秀明美術第5号1997
4 E. O. Negahban/Marlik The Complete Excavation Report/Philadelphia 1996
Catalogue Entry
This vessel was hammered from one piece of gold to make a slender cup standing on a small foot with its mouth slightly narrowed. The cup surface is divided into four sections using five twined cord patterns called guillosh. Depicted in each of the upper three sections is a line of horned animals advancing to the right or left with trees as a background. Each animal has large branched horns with peculiar ribbon-like tips, a pointed snout and three wrinkles above the eyelid shown by large arcs. The body is covered with an almost horizontal herringbone pattern. Each background tree has a scale-like pattern on a large trunk, and a herringbone pattern for branches extending horizontally. The top of the trunk is cone-shaped. Around the branches are leaves or fruits in teardrop form with dots. The lower part of the body supported by the foot has an engraved rosette with pointed petals, and a rosette with round ends is found on the outside bottom of the foot.
These special features the horns of the animal, the face with a pointed nose, wrinkles above the eyelid, the body with horizontal herringbone pattern and the style of the trees are extremely close to features of objects excavated from the tombs of noblemen, considered to date back to the latter half of the 2nd to the early 1st millennium B.C., in the Southern Caspian Sea region of northern Iran, especially Marlik.*1 This region is said to have enjoyed prosperity through trade connecting northern as well as southern Mesopotamia and northwestern Iran at that time, and the diversity in designs for industrial arts shows that there were a variety of trades and workshops in the region. The rosette with pointed petals is a characteristic found in vessels from the 2nd millennium B.C. in the eastern region of the Black Sea.*2 A similar flower pattern is also found in metallic and ceramic ware from the early 1st millennium B.C. in northwest Iran and northern Mesopotamia.
The shape of this vessel is similar to ceramic or glass nipple-beakers without a foot, a form wide-spread in Mesopotamia, the Eastern Mediterra-nean Sea region and northwestern Iran in the early 2nd millennium B.C.*3 A glass vessel and its stand were excavated together in Marlik and are believed to have derived from Babylonia.*4