
  • 20c
  • 八曲屏風一双、紙本金地著色
  • H-182.4 W-581.2

 杉本健吉(一九〇五~ )は、名古屋出身の画家。岸田劉生に師事し洋画家として立つ。のち奈良風物をテーマの中心としつつ、海外スケッチ等にも精力的に取り組む。吉川英治作「新・平家物語」挿絵、四天王寺聖徳太子絵堂壁画などが知られ、愛知県知多半島に画業の大半を所蔵する杉本美術館がある。

Catalogue Entry

Sugimoto Kenkichi (b. 1905) is a painter originally from Nagoya. After studying with Kishida Ryusei, Sugimoto established himself as a western‐style painter. His work focused on scenery in Nara and he also produced superb sketches from his overseas travels. Sugimoto provided the illustrations for Yoshikawa Eiji's New Heike Monogatari publication, and created the wall paintings for the Shotoku Taishi Edo at Shitennoji temple. The Sugimoto Museum built on the Chita Peninsula in Aichi prefecture houses the majority of his oeuvre.

This pair of screens is a major work by the artist, including 53 fan paintings flowing across the paired eight‐panel format.These works are all filled a sense of “life" fostered in the things and events found in the nature and scenery surrounding the artist; all are depicted with a sense of the artist's affectionate gaze.