- エジプト
- 紀元前1-紀元後1世紀
- ガラス
106.解説 / 鳥(右上)
107.解説 / 鳥(左上)
108.解説 / ワシ(中央)
109.解説 / セキレイ(左下)
110.解説 / ハヤブサ(左下)
Catalogue Entry / 106 Bird (up left)
A bird with a green and yellow torso faces to the right in the middle of a cobalt ground oval decorative plaque. The bird's legs are yellow and the details of his beak are depicted in cobalt.
Catalogue Entry / 107 Bird (up right)
A bird with a yellow and white torso faces to the right in the middle of a red-edged, cobalt ground oval decorative plaque. The vividly colored bird has the details of his body depicted in black, red, white, green and yellow.
Catalogue Entry / 108 Eagle (center)
This rectangular decorative plaque shows an eagle facing forward with wings spread. His talons grasp a thunderbolt. The ground color is pale blue and the details of his yellow body and wings are picked out in black.
Catalogue Entry / 109 Wagtail (down left)
A bird thought to be a wagtail is shown standing and facing to the right on this cobalt ground, rectangular decorative plaque. The body feathers are white while the details are depicted in yellow, turquoise, cobalt, black, red and blue.
Catalogue Entry / 110 Falcon (down right)
A rectangular decorative plaque with pale blue ground and falcon standing and facing to the right. The body feathers are shown in white and black, while the details are depicted in black, yellow, red, cobalt, purple and green. The falcon was the most sacred bird in Egypt and the god Horus, the deity protecting royal authority, was symbolized by this bird.