- エジプト
- 紀元前4-紀元前1世紀
- ガラス
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A wig in a striped pattern of orange and cobalt. This wig would have been combined with other inlay elements.
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Profile facing right, with eyebrow and eye inlaid. The face is cobalt, the eyebrows orange, and the eye white with a black pupil. The eye penetrates through to the verso and the outline and pupil can be also be seen on that side. This feature indicates that the face was made using mosaic techniques. The face was formed in a mold and its details then carved in relief and carefully polished overall. The verso shows layered glass that has been flatened. This face would have been combined with separately created figural elements and inlaid into a casket, temple wall, or furnishings.
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A vertical band of four layers of white and cobalt striped patterns laid into a red ground. Both sides of this band are lined with vertical bands of orange ground and small square patterns of red, cobalt and green. This would have been used as part of a human figure, representing a section of the figure's clothing.
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This decorative panel shows a vertical stripe of orange and turquoise sided by cobalt ground areas decorated with vertical arrays of small white circles.