- 東地中海地域あるいはイタリア
- 1世紀後半期
- ガラス
Catalogue Entry
This jar with lid was blown from greenish translucent glass. The center of the lid is decorated with a 12-petal rosette pattern surrounded by S-shaped and simple plant motifs. The body of the jar has eight separate sections of S-shape and plant motif combinations. The base is decorated with three concentric lines. After this jar was blown, rings of glass were attached in four places, once at the top of the lid, and three times on the body. The ring on the lid and one of those on the body are made of linked chains of blue and white glass. The first and the second rings from the body are undamaged. The glass links vary in size and some of them are made of clear glass which is hollow and hose-like. These elements are thought to be too long to be links on such a vessel and are thought to be later repairs.
Approximately 80% of the protrusions around the exterior of the lid, 1/8 of the vessel body's rim, one circuit of the area around the base, and one section of the pattern on the body are later repairs, and thus clearly this jar was heavily damaged and then repaired. In spite of these repairs, the point of connection between lid and body has only the slightest amount of repair, and their exact fit speaks of the considerable skills of its maker. This jar would have been used as a container for small miscellaneous items.