- エジプト
- 紀元前1-紀元後1世紀
- ガラス
Catalogue Entry
Image of the goddess Hathor with a turquoise face on a cobalt ground. Each unit of mosaic glass shows half of the goddess's face which is then combined in paired front to back arrangements to make a single face image. Both pieces use the same mosaic glass elements. This goddess has ox ears, wears a wide collar ornament, and a wig with the sacred snake uraeus topped by a sacred shrine. These details are shown in black, white, red, blue and green. This form was widely used on the sistrum (a musical instrument of ancient Egypt) or as decoration on pillars. The goddess Hathor was said to be either the wife or mother of the god Horus and she was worshiped as the goddess of happiness, the goddess of love and beauty, and the goddess of dance.