
  • 古陽洞 安定王元燮造像仏龕
  • 紙本
  • H-26 W-137
  • 所蔵

古陽洞/縦26.0 cm 横137.0 cm/龍門石窟研究所蔵
古陽洞正壁の右脇侍菩薩上方南壁にある安定王元[げん]燮[しよう]造像仏龕の下に刻まれたもので、この仏龕が正始4年(507)2月に、今は亡き景[けい]穆[ぼく]帝の太妃孟椒房と太和18年(494)に死んだ父・静即ち安定王休、さらに 妣 [なきはは]蒋妃の菩提を祈って造られたものであることがわかる。供養人の列には銘文の向かって右に冠をかぶる王2人と従者、左に髷を結う女性3人と従者が見える。仏龕は中央に鳳凰を載せる入母屋造りの屋根をもった仏殿中に裳[も]懸[かけ]座[ざ]の如来像を表し、両脇に菩薩、その中尊よりに浮彫の僧侶を表している。古陽洞の第2充実期にあたる造像である。

Catalogue Entry

Guyangdong Cave/ 26.0×137.0 cm/ Longmen Caves Research Institute
This donor procession is carved beneath the sculptural niche commissioned by Yuan Xie, Prince of Anding, located on the south wall of the Guyangdong Cave. The procession is near and slightly above the right bodhisattva of the figural grouping on the main wall of the cave. This Yuan Xie niche was commissioned in the second month of Zhengshi 4 (507) to pray for the salvation of his grandmother Lady Meng (consort of Emperor Jingmu), and Yuan Xie's father Jing, namely Yuan Xiu, Prince of Anding, who had died in Taihe 18 (494), and Yuan Xie's mother Lady Jiang. The donor procession shows two crowned princes, with attendants, to the right of the inscription and three women with their hair bound in topknots, with attendants, to the left of the inscription. This sculptural niche shows a Buddha seated with legs pendant in a Buddhist temple with a hip-gable roof topped with a phoenix. Bodhisattvas are seen on either side of the Buddha and each side of the Buddha priests carving are shown on the wall between the Buddha and each bodhisattva. These sculptures were created during the 2nd fruitful phase of work on the Guyangdong Cave.