Offering Plaques
- 5th - 2nd century B.C.
- Gold
Catalogue Entry
5th‐2nd century B.C.
(a)H. 2.9 cm, W. 1.0 cm(b)H. 1.8 cm, W. 1.0 cm
cH. 1.8 cm, W. 0.8 cm(d)H. 6.2 cm, W. 2.4 cm
(e)H. 1.7 cm, W. 0.1 cm(f)H. 5.8 cm, W. 2.7 cm
(g)H. 5.5 cm, W. 2.3 cm(h)H. 4.3 cm, W. 1.6 cm
(i)H. 7.4 cm, W. 3.8 cm(j)H. 4.5 cm, W. 8.3 cm
Figures each carrying a weapon are shown on gold sheets. Plaque a is carved in repousse with a figure of a priest or domain ruler wearing a belted short tunic and holding a spear in his left hand.
Plaques b and c are gold sheets pressed with a figure of Athena holding a spear in her right hand and a shield in her left hand. Athena wears a long belted tunic and a Bactrian-style helmet.
Plaques d, e, and f all depict warriors or priests facing to the left, with the figures on Plaques e and f holding their spears in their left hands, and the spear in Plaque d shown standing on the ground.
Plaques g and h depict either priests or warriors facing to the left and hold a bow.
Plaque I shows a young man with upper body nude facing to the left and holding a spear in his right hand. This figure is worked in repousse. The left hand is shown clasped close to his belt. His bare feet show beneath his garment. The left foot is pulled slightly back and the folds on this garment all give the figure with movement.
Plaque j is a rectangular gold sheet with slightly narrower center and shows a pressed and incised image of a horseback warrior. The figure raises a spear in his right hand, while his left hand holds his reins as he gallops to the left. The warrior is bearded and wears a short tunic. The horse's rump is decorated with a fretwork-shaped design. The horse's tail has been tied into a special knot form.