
  • イラン東部/バクトリア地方
  • 紀元前3千年紀後期
  • 緑泥片岩、トルコ石象嵌
  • H-20 D-14







・Pierre Amiet/ The Period of Irano-Mesopotamian Contacts/ in 'Early Mesopotamia and Iran: Contact and Conflict 3500-1600 BC' ed.J.Curtis London 1993





この器の精緻な意匠を国際様式<inter cultural style>と呼んでいます。

・C.C.Lamberg-Karlovsky & Maurizio Tosi/ Shahr-i Sokhta and Tepe Yahya: Tracks on  the Earliest History of the Iranian Plateau/ East and West 1973;
・Philip L.Kohl/ A Note on Chlorite Artefacts from Shahr-i Sokhta/ East and West 27 1977





・Jeremy Black and Anthony Green/ Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient
 Mesopotamia/ 1992 Austin
・Ancient Art from the Shumei Family Collection/ 1996 New York




・Pierre Amiet/ The Period of Irano-Mesopotamian Contacts/ in 'Early Mesopotamia and Iran: Contact and Conflict 3500-1600 BC' ed.J.Curtis London 1993

婦人座像 鋸壁文円筒杯 牡牛像形分銅 農耕饗宴図杯



エジプトではすでに紀元前4000年紀後半(3,500~3,000 B.C.頃)には彼の地では産しないラピスラズリを使った宝飾品が出現していますが、少なくとも紀元前三千年紀には、東はインダスの河谷地域からメソポタミアを中継し、西はエジプトに至る、いわゆるラピス・ラズリ=ロードと呼ばれる交易路が存在したと考えられています。

・Horst Klengel/ Handel und Haendler im alten Orient/ 1983 Leipzig 
(古代オリエント商人の世界 江上波夫、五味亨訳 山川出版社 1983)

婦人座像 鋸壁文円筒杯 牡牛像形分銅 農耕饗宴図杯

Catalogue Entry

This stone vessel--now broken--narrows as it rises, displaying two pairs of seated lions in low relief, each pair flanking a simple tree with curving, symmetrical branches. Although the stance and the flat, linear style of each lion are virtually identical, the creatures differ in the patterns given to their heavily furred forequarters. On one side the tufted pattern resembles basketwork, while the felines opposite bear a horizontally worked herringbone design. The large, round eyes of each cat were once inlaid, as were the pointed oval leaves of the trees. Several of the leaves still retain their now-pale stone filling. Recent analysis of the damaged surface of one inlay reveals that the stone is turquoise, indicating that the vessel, in its undamaged state, originally was characterized by a vibrant polychromy.

Carved chlorite vessels have been excavated from sites in Mesopotamia and in Central Asia, as well as along the Persian Gulf, for over half a century. The material and the style of carving set these works apart from locally produced stone objects, but their place of manufacture remained unknown. We now know that some of these bowls and vases were produced in eastern Iran and perhaps in northern Afghanistan (ancient Bactria). Excavations at Tepe Yahya in southeastern Iran have revealed one production center,1 and others undoubtedly await discovery. Unfortunately, none of the fragmentary vases recovered from Tepe Yahya exactly parallels the Shumei vessel in shape and decoration. Closer in form and general style are broken vases uncovered at Nippur in Mesopotamia and at Mari on the Euphrates River, between Mesopotamia and Syria2--exotic exports that traveled far from their place of origin. The lions on the Shumei vase are an indication that this vessel, too, was made for the Mesopotamian market, as the heavy-maned western Asiatic lion was unknown on the Iranian plateau and in the Central Asian uplands. This unfamiliarity with the living species may explain the artificial rendering of the lions' manes.

1. See Metropolitan Museum 1996, p. 10, fig. 1; Lamberg-Karlovsky and Kohl 1971, pp. 15-18.
2. See Orthmann et al. 1975, p. 185, pl. 76a,b.