
  • 京都
  • 江戸時代
  • 18-19c
  • 乾山陶製、呉須染付、鉄絵
  • H-6.6 D-8
  • 所蔵


江戸時代 18-19世紀
高:6.6cm 胴径:8.1cm 高台径:4.5cm

いわゆる数物の小型の汁次である。箱書に「乾山焼加らみ次」(蓋表)「乾山焼 そは切用 からミ入」(箱側面)とあるから,蕎麦つゆの容器であるらしい。蓋から身の一部にかけて白泥を化粧掛けした上に,銹絵と染付で絵替りの文様を下絵付けしている。個体によっては,掻き落としの手法で細部の表現が加えられており,最後に底部を除く外面全面に透明釉が掛けられている。
後補とみられる一客を除く九客のうち,八客の胴部下半に銹絵で「乾山」の銘が記されているが,筆跡にはばらつきが認められ,複数の工人の手によるものではないかと思われる。おそらく乾山焼としては新しい時期のものであり,鳴滝時代まではさかのぼらないであろう。 (尾野)


尾形乾山(おがたけんざん 1663~1743)


乾山銹絵染付梅波文蓋物 乾山立鶴図黒茶碗 乾山銹絵染付桔梗図筒向付 乾山銹絵染付草文四方鉢 乾山銹絵染付松図茶碗 乾山色絵短冊皿 乾山銹絵絵替長平皿 乾山色絵寿字輪花向付 乾山銹絵絵替四方皿 乾山銹絵染付絵替筒向付 乾山銹絵染付松図茶碗 乾山色絵椿文向付 乾山銹絵染付春草図茶碗 乾山銹絵染付藤図向付 乾山色絵立葵図向付 乾山色絵雪杉図向付 乾山色絵桔梗文盃台 乾山銹絵馬図香合 乾山銹絵染付絵替扇形向付 乾山銹絵掻落雲唐草文大鉢 乾山銹絵草花波文水指 乾山銹絵染付絵替土器皿 乾山色絵槍梅図茶碗 乾山黒楽梅図茶碗 乾山銹絵染付芙蓉図茶碗 銹絵掻落牡丹唐草文香合 撫子図(尾形乾山筆) 乾山色絵和歌陶板 乾山色絵竜田川図向付 乾山銹絵牡丹画角皿 尾形光琳画 乾山銹絵百合形向付 乾山銹絵松文香合 乾山色絵阿蘭陀写市松文猪口 乾山色絵薄図蓋茶碗 乾山銹絵菊図水指 鶴亀図黒茶碗 紅葉図 尾形乾山筆 三十六歌仙絵/在原業平像 尾形乾山筆 三十六歌仙絵/斎宮女御像 尾形乾山筆 乾山色絵菊文手付汁次 三十六歌仙絵/小野小町像 尾形乾山筆 乾山銹絵染付山水図茶碗

Catalogue Entry

Set of 10 pitchers
Edo period, 18th to 19th centuries
Kenzan ware, underglaze iron and blue decoration
Height, 6.6cm; torso diameter, 8.1cm;
foot diameter, 4.5cm

These pitchers are a set of small-scale noodle broth pitchers. The box inscription on the exter-ior of the box lid states that these are "Kenzanyaki karamitsugi" while the inscription on the side of the box states "Kenzan yaki sobakiriyo, karamiire," thus indicating that these were likely used as broth-pitchers for the broth eaten with soba noodles. One section of each pitcher and its lid has been coated with a white slip, and then a variety of patterns were painted in underglaze iron and underglaze blue. In some cases, a scraping technique has been used to express the details of the motifs rendered in underglaze pigments, and finally, with the exception of the bottom of the foot, the entire pitcher and lid was coated with a transparent glaze.

While this is a set of 10 pitchers, there is 1 pitcher and lid that clearly differs from the others in terms of vessel shape, clay, and firing finish, and it is likely a later replacement piece. The remaining nine pitchers share basically the same construction and can be seen as part of the original set. However, one of these nine shows an awkward motif transition between body and lid, and the diameter of its lid is too large and does not fit the body properly. Hence, this is probably a case where a lid from one body was paired with a different body.

With the exception of the 1 pitcher that is probably a later replacement, 8 of the remaining nine pitchers are signed "Kenzan" in underglaze iron on the lower part of the torso. Differences, however, can be noted between the calligraphy of these signatures, and it is likely that they were written by a number of potters. Undoubtedly, this is a later Kenzan ware example and does not date back to the Narutaki kiln period. YO