
  • 京都
  • 江戸時代中期
  • 18c
  • 乾山陶製、色絵
  • H-7.3 D-10

江戸時代 18世紀
高:7.3cm 口径:10.2cm 高台径:5.3cm

製作時期の特定は難しいが,この茶碗には,「や梨むめ 京兆紫翠深省」の墨書箱書(蓋表)が伴っており,深省の「深」字が古字に作られていることが手掛かりとなる。書状や箱書方面からの研究では,享保年間よりさかのぼる時期の署名に見あたらないことを根拠に,「深」の古字は晩年に使われていた可能性が指摘されている。したがって,箱を共箱とみなすならば,この茶碗の製作年代も下げて考えなければならず,早くても二条丁子屋町時代,遅ければ享保16年(1731)のこととされる乾山の江戸下向以降の製作ということになろう。 (尾野)


尾形乾山(おがたけんざん 1663~1743)


乾山銹絵染付掻落絵替汁次 乾山銹絵染付梅波文蓋物 乾山立鶴図黒茶碗 乾山銹絵染付桔梗図筒向付 乾山銹絵染付草文四方鉢 乾山銹絵染付松図茶碗 乾山色絵短冊皿 乾山銹絵絵替長平皿 乾山色絵寿字輪花向付 乾山銹絵絵替四方皿 乾山銹絵染付絵替筒向付 乾山銹絵染付松図茶碗 乾山色絵椿文向付 乾山銹絵染付春草図茶碗 乾山銹絵染付藤図向付 乾山色絵立葵図向付 乾山色絵雪杉図向付 乾山色絵桔梗文盃台 乾山銹絵馬図香合 乾山銹絵染付絵替扇形向付 乾山銹絵掻落雲唐草文大鉢 乾山銹絵草花波文水指 乾山銹絵染付絵替土器皿 乾山黒楽梅図茶碗 乾山銹絵染付芙蓉図茶碗 銹絵掻落牡丹唐草文香合 撫子図(尾形乾山筆) 乾山色絵和歌陶板 乾山色絵竜田川図向付 乾山銹絵牡丹画角皿 尾形光琳画 乾山銹絵百合形向付 乾山銹絵松文香合 乾山色絵阿蘭陀写市松文猪口 乾山色絵薄図蓋茶碗 乾山銹絵菊図水指 鶴亀図黒茶碗 紅葉図 尾形乾山筆 三十六歌仙絵/在原業平像 尾形乾山筆 三十六歌仙絵/斎宮女御像 尾形乾山筆 乾山色絵菊文手付汁次 三十六歌仙絵/小野小町像 尾形乾山筆 乾山銹絵染付山水図茶碗

Catalogue Entry

Edo period, 18th century
Kenzan ware, underglaze and overglaze decoration
Height, 7.3cm; mouth diameter, 10.2cm;
foot diameter, 5.3cm

The trunk and branches of a plum tree are drawn in underglaze iron while the buds are drawn in underglaze blue. A white slip was used to draw the petals of white plum blossoms, and the entire work was coated in a semi-transparent glaze and then fired. Overglaze red, green, and yellow pigments were used to create the petals of the red blossoms, the young shoots on the plum tree, and the pistils and stamens of the white plum blossoms. The base of the carved foot and the interior of the foot were left unglazed, and the side of the foot is inscribed "Kenzan" in under-glaze iron.

While it is hard to determine the date of production, this tea bowl is accompanied by a box inscription in ink (on the exterior of the box lid) that reads "Yarimume Kyocho Shisui Shinsei," and a hint can be found in the fact that the character "shin" in this inscription is written in its old form. Research on letters and box inscription shows that this signature does not accord with those before the Kyoho era (1716-1736), and it can thus be suggested that this old character for "shin" may have been used by Kenzan during his later years. Further, if this box inscription is considered to be in Kenzan's own hand, then we must consider that this bowl was also created in a later period at the earliest, in his Nijo Chojiyamachi period, or at the latest, after he moved to Edo in 1731. YO