- 岐阜県・美濃窯
- 桃山時代
- 16世紀
- 美濃陶製
- H-9.2 D-9 W-8.5
桃山時代 16世紀
高:9.2cm 口径:8.5cm
轆轤挽きした後に四方をせめて四方入隅形に仕上げた筒向付である。底はいわゆる碁笥底風に浅く円形に削り込まれている。胴の外四方には蛇篭文,瓔珞文,さらにすみれと菖蒲のような植物文様が各面に交互に描かれ,長石釉が掛けられている。文様は志野独特ののびやかな筆行きで,発色も鮮やかである。この種の向付も黄瀬戸筒向付(図版90)と同様に一客ごとに分けられている場合が多く,このように五客揃って伝世しているものは少なくなっている。底は削り込みの部分を中心に露胎となり,美濃地方特有の柔らかな白土が見られる。 (赤沼)
Catalogue Entry
Set of 5 dishes
Momoyama period, 16th century
Shino ware
Height, 9.2cm; mouth diameter, 8.5cm
After being wheel-thrown, these cylindrical mukozuke dishes were given a square, indented corner form. The bottom of the interior is carved with the shallow circular form that is called the gokezoko bottom. The exterior sides of these bowls have been decorated with an array of jakago openwork basket motifs, yoraku jewel strings motifs, a violet plant motif, and a plant motif that resembles irises. These motifs have all been drawn in the distinctive, flowing brushwork of Shino ware, and their colors fired to vivid clarity. Quite often Shino ware and Kiseto ware sets of dishes have been divided into individual dishes (cat no. 90), and there are very few sets of 5 dishes that have come down through the centuries as intact sets. The center of the carved area of the interior bottom has been left un-glazed, and this exposes the soft white clay body particular to the Mino region. TA