- 岐阜県・美濃窯
- 桃山時代
- 16世紀
- 美濃陶製
- H-7.3 D-8
桃山時代 16世紀
高:7.3cm 口径:7.7cm
美濃窯の最盛期に作られた黄瀬戸の向付の一つである。筒形に轆轤挽きした後に,箆で八本の深い筋を入れ,八弁の輪花形にしている。見込みから外側にかけては黄瀬戸釉が掛けられ,柔らかな色調によく溶けている。また,平らな底には細い高台がつけられ,高台内は露胎である。高台内のほぼ中央に輪状の置跡が残っているが,こうした置跡は桃山時代の黄瀬戸や志野の向付によく見られるところである。こうした筒向付がかつてどのように使われていたかは判然としないが,残念ながら今日では一客ごとに分けられ寄向付や火入とされている場合が多く,このように五客が健全に残されている例は少ない。 (赤沼)
Catalogue Entry
Set of 5 bowls
Momoyama period, 16th century
Kizeto ware
Height, 7.3cm; mouth diameter, 7.7cm
This is a set of mukozuke dishes in the Kizeto ware style created during the most prosperous period of the Mino kilns. After the cylindrical form was wheel-thrown, a spatula was used to create eight deep vertical grooves on the exterior of the cylinder. The yellow Kizeto glaze was then applied from the interior to the exterior of each bowl and the glaze melted in the firing to a soft color. A narrow foot has been attached to the flat base of the bowl, and the interior of the foot was left unglazed. In the approximate center of each foot there is a circular sagger remains. This form of sagger is often seen in Kizeto and Shino mukozuke dishes of the Momoyama period. While we cannot determine how these cylindrical mukozuke dishes would have been used traditionally, most often these dishes have been separated from their original groups and are used individually as either small braziers or unmatched mukozuke dishes. There are only a few examples, as here, where these dishes have remained in their original set group. TA