
1997年11月3日,由貝聿銘設計的MIHO美術館正式開幕,今年迎接開館20週年。同年10月,由法蘭克.蓋瑞(Frank Gehry)設計、位於西班牙的畢爾包古根漢美術館(Bilbao Guggenheim Museum)開幕,同年12月,由理察.麥爾(Richard Meier)設計、位於美國洛杉磯的保羅.蓋蒂博物館(J. Paul Getty Museum)開幕。當年,這些由著名建築師設計的美術館相繼開幕,成為世界性的話題。 貝聿銘博士生於1917年,今年4月迎接了百歲壽辰,可喜可賀。為此,MIHO美術館將以「桃花源就在此處─貝聿銘與MIHO美術館之軌跡」為題,舉行開館20週年記念特別展,並會利用全館所有展廳展示MIHO藏品中的珍貴名品。 北館方面,將以日本古代美術品為中心,除了廣為人知的收藏品以外,還有開幕至今20年內所蒐集的新收藏品,以替換形式輪流展出。在展期的後半段,更會展出開幕初期的部份展品,讓大家重溫開館當時的面貌。
南館方面,則有來自埃及、西亞、南亞、中國以及西域等美術品,是從世界不同地區及文化中挑選出來古代美術品。另外,已寄贈予中國山東省的蟬冠菩薩像,相隔五年再臨本館。 古代人類的世界觀和美的意識,與我們現代人對美的共同想法,透過不同的展品而表現出來。追求「神聖之物」與「美麗之物」,是構成MIHO藏品之精髓所在,請各位細心欣賞。
- 展览日期
- 2017年9月16日 - 2017年12月17日
- 展览地点
- 全館
- 主办
- Miho Museum
Kyoto Shimbun, Inc.
Relief with Hieroglyphs"The Beautiful West"
Statuette of Wepay
Relief with Profile of a Queen
Falcon-headed Deity
Lion-headed Deity
Statuette of a Cat
Relief with Profile of Ramesses II
Statue of Nakht
Inlay of a Pharaoh's Head
Statue of Queen Arsinoe II
Mosaic Glass Inlay
Bird, Eagle, Wagtail, Falcon
Statuette of a hippopotamus
Head of the Goddess Hathor
Cult Figure of a Falcon-headed Deity
Amulet of Nefertem
Miniature Statuette of Horus as a Falcon
West Asia
Weight in the Form of Standing Bull
Spouted Bowl with Handle
Cup with Vultures and Gazelles
Three Straps
Goblet with Bulls
King Assurbanipal's Beaker
Torque (Pectoral) with a Pendant Depicting a Battle
Bowl with Gold Appliques
Rhyton with a Horse Protome
Bowl with Silver Appliques
Cup with a lion's head
Conical Cup with Trefoil Garland
Plate with Incised Design
Compound Zoomorphic Vessel
Rhyton with the Protome of a Desert Lynx Catching a Fowl
Cylindrical Cup with Agricultural and Ceremonial Scene
Pair of Bracelets with Winged-caprid Terminals
Relief with Two Horses
Rhyton with a Horned-lion Protome
Winged, Human-headed Genius and Royal Attendant
Relief with a Median Servant
Vessel with a bull attacked by a lion
Vase with Divine Figures
Boat with sacred trees
Pendant in Form of Winged Spirit
Seated Goddess
Greece & Rome
South Asia
Ancient China
Pair of Oval Bowls
Belt Hook
Belt Hook
Belt Hook
Ferrule (zun)
Three Legs of a Vessel
Mounts of a Vessel
Pair of Ringholder Masks
Ferrule (Dun)
Belt Hook
Ferrule (Zun)
Ornamental Fitting
Garment Hook
Belt Hook
Mythical Animal
Fitting for a Chariot Canopy
Fantastic Figure
Lacquer-painted Stand
Belt Plaque
Mounts for a Cylindrical Vessel
Tomb Figure of a Dog
Elliptical Vessel with Lid: Ding
Tomb Figure: Horse
Wine Vessel (Zun) on the Back of an Elephant
Set of Mat Weights
Set of Mat Weights
Wine Vessel (Zun) in the Form of a Buffalo
Tomb Figure: Horse
Wine Vessel: You
Two Vessel Legs in the Form of Mythical Creatures
Ricumbent Ox
Wine Vessel: Fang Lei
Buckle Ornament
Shanked Bell: Nao
Oil Lamp Stand in the Form of a Wrestler
Buckle Ornament
Round Lid
Belt Buckle
Small Figure of Horse
Pair of Belt Plaques
Incense Burner in the Shape of a Tortoise
Ear Cup on Foot
Pair of weights in the shape of recumbent leopard
Rice-bale-shaped Bottle
China; Six Dynasties
China & Persia
Two Standing Court Women
Stem Cup with Hunting Scene
Hair Accessories
Four-lobed Bowl with Foliated Rim on Foot
Oblong Eigh-lobed Cup
Tripod Vessel and Lid
A Set of Ten Entertainers and Two Dancers
Standing Woman with Dog
Plate Decorated with a Feline
Vase Decorated with Attacking Lions
Elliptical Bowl with a Vine Scroll
Vase with Dancing Female Figures
Ewer with a Plant Design
Plate with a King Hunting Animals
Bowl with Four Figures
Bowl with Two Seated Figures
Bottle with Long Neck
Plate with the Bust of a King
Bowl with Horseman
Bowl with Horsemen Circling Arabesque
Bowl with Seated Figures Flanking aTree
Bowl with Enthroned Ruler
Bowl with an Outdoor Group Scene
Five-lobed Bowl with Foliated Rim on Foot
Mirror with Repousse Designs
Medallion and Animal Carpet
Tile with Horsemen
Bust of a Priest
Jar with Handle
Large Jar
Large vat
Large Vat
Haniwa : Dog
Jar with Cypress Fence Pattern
Sutra Jar
Infant Buddha
Uzukumaru Jar with Cypress Fence Pattern
Bowl with Lid
Tea Bowl, known as 'SAIO'
Tea Bowl with Pine Tree Design
Attendant Female
Drum Cylinder with Clouds and Lightning Design
Standing Bodhisattva
Totoya Teabowl, named “Hanamomiji”
Sprinkler with Willow and Bird Design
Tall-neck Vase with Lotus Design
Flat Bowl with Fish and Floral Design
Taihi Tenmku Tea Bowl
Ido Teabowl, named “Shōan”
Kakinoheta Teabowl, named “Reiki”
Kohiki Teabowl, named “Taisetsuzan”
Buddhist Art
Large Tray
Standing Jikokuten
The Hell of Dissection
Scroll of the Buddhist Cannon, known as Jingoji Sutra
Seated Amida Nyorai
Gigaku Mask Karura (Garuda)
Large Tray
Altar Table
Drum Cylinder
Lotus-Shaped Incense Burner with Handle
Ritual Ladle
Shasuiki Lidded Bowl
Zukoki Lidded Bowl
Sutra Container
Buddhist Flower Basket
Golden Light Sutra, Scroll 2
Standing Kannon
Okutsumarakyo Sutra, known as “May 1st Sutra,” Scroll 3
Lotus Sutra (Saddharma-pundarika Sutra), Volume 8
Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect
Altar Table
Sacred Water Jar
Nigatsudo Ritual Dining Table
Fragment of the Kegonkyo Sutra
Seated Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana)
Seated Eleven-headed Deity
Seated Deity in Monk’s Robe
Ryokai Mandalas
Seated Uga Benzaiten
Seated Female Deity
Calligraphy; Kara-e “Chinese Painting” and Yamato-e “Japanese Painting”; Lacquerware
Nyoirin Kannon (Cintamani-cakra)
Five-Hair Knot Monju (Manjusri)
Descent of Amitabha Triad
Portrait of Kobo Daishi
Fragment of Choju jinbutsu giga (Frolicking Animals and Figures), tei scroll
Fragment of Choju jinbutsu giga (Frolicking Animals and Figures), ko scroll
Buddhist Name and Praise by Kokan Shiren
Shakyamuni Descending the Mountain, attributed to Muqi
Seated Bodhisattva
Standing Jizo Bosatsu (Ksitigarbha)
Flying Celestial
Nimbus for a Buddhist Sculpture
Sutra wrapper
Container with a Fragment of a Scene of the Pure Land
Mirror Case with Tortoise Shell Makie and Mother-of-Pearl Decoration
Rokki Bowl and Saucer
Negoro Tray with Cut Corners
Incense Container with Chrysanthemum Design
Incense Burner with Chrysanthemum Design
Mirror Case with Fenced Chrysanthemum Makie Decoration
Red Lacquer Sake Bottle
Fragment of the Genryaku Kohon Version of the Man'yoshu
Willow in the Breeze, Cicada, and Butterfly Attributed to Ma Hezi
Negoro Octagonal Tray with Legs
Cypress Fan
Fragment of Heiji monogatari emaki
Poems on Kaishi Paper, known as “Kasuga Kaishi” By Nakatomi no Sukekata
Fragment of Scroll 4 of the Katsura Version of the Man'yoshu (Toganoo-gire)
Letter from Lan-chi Tao-lung to En'ni of Tofuku
Kana Text, by Mugai Nyodai
Kanpenjo Correspondence between Nakatomi no Sukesada and Fujiwara no Tameie
Flat Quiver with Phoenix and Hosoge Floral Motifs
View of Qiantang Tide Attributed to Li Song
Fragment of Yume no ki, by Priest Myoe
Fragment of the second volume of Tsurayuki-shu, known as “Ishiyamagire” Calligraphy by Fujiwara no Sadanobu
Poems from Kokin wakashu, known as“Sunshoan Shikishi”, attributed to Ki no Tsurayuki
Poem on Shikishi Paper, known as “Masushikishi”, attributed to Fujiwara no Yukinari
Lotus and Tortoise Attributed to Fan Anren
Sudhana, inscription by Beijian Juan
Dragon and Clouds by Chen Rong
Characters “Kanshin,” by Wuan Puning
Poems on Kaishi Paper, known as “Kasuga Kaishi” By Myoshin
Fragment of Kokin wakashu, known as“Koyagire”
Fragment of Kokin wakashu, known as“Sujigire”
The Tea Ceremony
Bamboo Tea Scoop, known as 'BUJI', by Takuan Soho
Gourd-shaped Tea Container
Fresh Water Jar
Waste Water Jar
Miyajima Kettle
Shinnari Kettle with Moonflower Design
Shinnari Kettle with Plum and Bamboo Rondel Designs on Hailstone Ground
Yohen Tenmoku Tea Bowl
Tea Container By Hiki Ikkan I
Tea Container, known as IKOMA
Red Raku Teabowl, by Hon'nami Koetsu
Tea Bowl, known as ' KANAMORI'
Lotuses and Ducks, attributed to Hui Chong
Budhist Sermon, by Jakushitsu Genko
Bird and Narcissus, attributed to the Emperor Huizong
Shinnari Kettle with Plum and Bamboo Roundel Design on Hailstone Ground
“Seed Jar” Fresh-Water Jar with Lid
Waste Water Jar
Buddhist Sermon, by Shuho Myocho
Black Raku Teabowl, named “Iwa Okoshi” byNonko
Cylindrical Flower Vase
Black Raku Teabowl, named “Shaka” by Chojiro
Tea Scoop, named “Shugakuin” by Sen no Sotan
Flower Vase, named “Yonaga”
Buddhist Name Nichizan and Zen Verse, by Shuho Myocho
Oku-Gorai Teabowl, named “Aki no Yama”
Early Modern Decorative Arts
Large Drum Cylinder with Bag Motif Makie Decoration
Small Drum Cylinder with Lotus Pond Makie Decoration
Writing Desk with Ivy-Coverd Path Decoration
Oribe Square Dish with Gourd Design
Kizeto Dorabachi Bowl
Oribe Cutaway Mukozuke Dishes
Nezumi Shino Mukozuke Dishes
Shino Square Mukozuke Dishes
Kizeto Flower-shaped Mukozuke Dishes
Paulownia Crest Curtain Screen
Cross-shaped Crest Curtain Screen
Pair of Sake Bottles with Weeping Cherry Design
Water Basin with Chrysanthemum and Paulownia Decoration
Water Tube with Grapevine Makie Decoration
Tea Container with Weeping Cherry, Paulownia and Tomoe Crest Makie Decora.
Zushi Shelf with Fenced Autumn Grasses and Scattered Bellflower Makie Dec.
Elephant and Whale Screens By Ito Jakuchu
“Mt. Fuji” and “Miho no Matsubara” Screens By Soga Shōhaku
Bodhidharma, by Hakuin
Waterfall and Dragon, by Kano Naonobu and Ogata Korin
Peacock and Peahen, by Maruyama Okyo
Ryutatsu Bushi Fragment with Plum Underdrawing Calligraphy by Suminokura Soan Design by Tawaraya Sotatsu
Inkstone Box with Salt Makers and Plover Design
Portable Lunch Box with Cherry Blossom and Maple Leaf Design
Drum Cylinder Set
Inkstone Box with Chrysanthemum Design
Towel Hanger with Plant Design
Jar with Egret(Heron) and Tree Motifs
Large Sake Bottle
Set of Cylidrical Mukozuke Dishes
Set of Mukozuke Dishes with Arrow Motifs
Tebako Box with Autumn Grasses Design
Deep Bowl with Circular Pierced Design
Cranes, by Ito Jakuchu
Green Pine and White Sail, by Ike no Taiga
Horses, by Kaiho Yusho
Tortoise, by Ito Jakuchu
Episode 50 “Tori no ko” of The Tales of Ise Attributed to Tawaraya Sotatsu
Tea Container with Weeping Cherry and Willow Design
Chapter 15 “The Wormwood Patch” of The Tale of Genji Attributed to Tawaraya Sotatsu
Set of Purple Glass Dishes, Mold-blown
Stacked Containers
Ninsei Fresh-Water Jar in the Shape of a Gold-dust Bag
Teabowl with Linked Floral Lozenges Design By Nonomura Ninsei
Golden Pheasant in White Plum Tree
Oribe Black Teabowl,kown as "Daikoku-zukin''
Shino Teabowl, named “Yoake”
Kōrin & Kenzan
Sauce Pots with Various Designs
Covered Square Box with Plum Blossom and Waves Motifs
Mukozuke Dish with Snowy Cryptomeria Design
Cup Stand with Chinese Bellflower Design
Large Bowl with Clouds and Karakusa Vining Floral Patterns
Set of Mukozuke Dishes with Tatsutagawa Design
Square Plate with Peony Design
Set of Lily-shaped Mukozuke Dishes
Sake Cups in Dutch Pottery Style with Ichimatsu Checkerboard Design
Lidded Bowl with Silver Grass Design
Daikokuten, by Ogata Korin
Maples and River by Ogata Kenzan
Red Maple Leaves by Ogata Kenzan
Sauce Pots with Handles and Cloud and Chrysanthemum Design
Tea Bowl with Landscape Design
Sake Cup with Vertical Stripes Design
Sauce Pots with Handles and Cloud and Chrysanthemum Design
Tapestry 'Lotus Miroku'