
  • 安土桃山〜江戸時代
  • 16〜17世紀
  • 黒漆塗、朱漆塗、金平蒔絵、螺鈿(割貝)
  • H-66.4 D-8
  • 所蔵

桃山時代 16世紀
長:66.4cm 径:8.1cm

総体黒漆塗,上部円筒形内部は朱漆塗。筒外側は金平蒔絵,螺鈿(割貝)で葡萄の実・葉・蔓を大胆に意匠している。円筒形に流麗な文様を施した遺品として珍貴。胎は節目を削った跡が認められ,竹であろうと推測される。箱書は「桃山時代蒔絵 御水筒葡萄絵一腰」。 (灰野)




塩屋千鳥蒔絵硯箱 浄土図蒔絵小箱 梅月文螺鈿蒔絵文台 雲錦蒔絵提重 伝 春正作 袋物蒔絵大鼓胴 藤蒔絵長持 秋草蒔絵沈箱 菊鶴亀蒔絵硯箱 蒔絵手拭掛 蒔絵角盥 亀甲文蒔絵香合(鏡箱) 桐蒔絵硯箱 籬菊蒔絵香合(鏡箱) 枝垂桜蒔絵徳利 菊桐紋蒔絵盥 桐巴紋枝垂桜蒔絵大棗 籬秋草桔梗紋散蒔絵厨子棚 雷雲蒔絵螺鈿鼓胴

Catalogue Entry

Momoyama period, 16th century
Length, 66.4cm; diameter, 8.1cm

Cylindrical water tube. The top of the water tube is cut open, and a stopper is fitted into a narrow hole. The water tube was also originally fitted with an overlapping lid. A metal fitting on the side would have been attached to a cord to suspend the tube from the hip of the wearer. An extremely rare item. The lid for this water tube is now missing.

Coated overall with black lacquer. The upper section of the interior of the cylinder is coated with cinnabar red lacquer. The exterior of the cylinder is decorated with gold hiramakie and mother-of-pearl (shell fragments) to create a large, bold pattern of grapes, grape leaves, and stems. This is a particularly fine example of a flowing pattern adorning a cylindrical shape. Traces of cracks can be found at joints in the middle, indicating that the base material might be bamboo. The box inscription states, "Momoyama period, makie, water tube with grape design." AH